4-H Enrollment Opens October 15th
(Click the Enrollment button to go straight to the website)
Member Enrollment directions
Volunteer Enrollment directions
4-H Youth Program
What is 4-H?
4-H is the youth development arm of Colorado State University. Other support for the 4-H program comes from the local government, state government, and the US Department of Agriculture.
4-H is a youth organization that belongs to the members, their families, and interested adults who serve as volunteer leaders, under the direction and guidance of your County Extension Office. This organization provides learning experiences designed to help youth develop life skills such as goal setting & organization, communication, citizenship, decision-making, leadership, interpersonal relations, community involvement, and global awareness.
This mission is accomplished through the involvement of parents, volunteer leaders, and other adults who recognize and conduct educational experiences in community and family settings.
4-H is young people sharing, doing, and learning together in all kinds of projects, events, and activities in an informal situation with the guidance of their families and other volunteer leaders.
4-H Project Examples

4-H Clubs – Bailey Area
4-H Clubs – Fairplay Area
4-H Clubs-Lake George area
For more information on Park County 4-H contact:
CSU Extension Park County
or by email barbie.garnett@parkcountyco.gov